Unlocking the power of a growth mindset!

When we teach students about mindsets, it has a direct effect on their motivation to study, learn and build academic and social skills. If students are able to recognise their fixed mindset feelings and thoughts, and have the strategies to change their mindset, they are better equipped for the challenges of the 21st century.

Maths classrooms are where you will witness high levels of fixed mindset behaviours. We also have a collection of articles, videos and websites so you can learn more about how to best help your students develop a growth mindset towards maths.

Mindsets & Maths


Please explore our collection of resources and research into the field of mindsets.



Epigenetics and Mindset The study of epigenetics is discovering that we have much more control over our health and longevity than many previously thought. Our mindset can change our achievement and ablity in a variety of ways.
Agency over Anxiety - Building a Workplace Culture that We Love How to purposefully use growth mindset self-talk to ensure you're enroute to a workplace culture and dialy life that you love
A Simple Tool for Fostering Growth Mindset You can have students use an old technology - ballpoint pens - to keep their mistakes and revisions, and their learning, visible.
Small 'Nudges' Can Push Students in the Right Direction Exploring 'nudges' - low-cost interventions that work to influence behaviour by changing how or when choices are offered
Nurturing Intrinsic Motivation and Growth Mindset in Writing Secondary school English teacher shares her experience of teaching writing
Growth Mindset Six steps to develop a growth mindset
Can everyone be smart at everything? Intelligence vs. Process Praise. Do learning styles and multiple intelligences really exist?
Growth Mindset - clearing up some common confusion This article summarises some common confusions and offers some reflections about mindsets
The power of adopting a growth mindset Article by Matthew Syed, author of 'Bounce - The Myth of Talent and the Power of Practice'
Teaching kids to struggle Great article and activity on struggle
How to weave growth mindset into a school culture A look at how a U.S. school, Arroyo High, developed a growth mindset culture
Four ways to encourage a growth mindset culture in the classroom Strategies to promote growth mindset
Helping stuggling students build a growth mindset Veteren researchers present strategies, such as maintaining success files and allowing choice, to help struggling students develop a positive attitude needed for success
Boost your resilience by managing your triggers Explores emotional triggers - how to recognise and respond to them
Stop stressing over talent - everyone can sing Every child is born with musical ability, but the messages from teachers, parents and the media tell them it's about talent.
Growth Mindset Made Visible Blog
Carol Dweck revists the Growth Mindset  
How Harnessing the positive side of stress can change student mindsets Link to great video about the potential benefits of stress
Teachers need a growth mindset too

A growth mindset culture starts with teachers, not with students

The gift of failure Great ideas for teaching students how to fail and use that failure for growth.
Mistakes grow brain Great article on the power of mistakes
Growth mindset for a more empathetic and collaborative world. Eduardo Briceño,  cofounder of 'Mindset Works', discusses how a growth mindset can be used to encourage world harmony



The journey to a growth mindset Carol Dweck presents and discusses her latest research around growth mindsets at Education Week's 'Leaders To Learn From' event in Washington, D.C. in 2016 (1 hour)
Carol Dweck - The Growth Mindset From the 'Talks at Google' series, Dweck explains how to apply a growth mindset at home, at school and at work. (47 mins)
Persist Through Challenges Encouraging primary aged children to persist through challenges – use of growth mindset in problem solving situation (6 mins)
Praise the Process Praising the process in primary school story writing (6 mins)
Developing a Growth Mindset - Carol Dweck Good for teachers’ introduction to growth mindset (10 mins)
Helping Students Learn: Growth Mindset Growth mindset for teachers (2 mins)
'Teaching a growth mindset' at Young Minds Professor Carol Dweck delivers a detailed talk at 'Young Minds' in 2013 about teachin ga growth mindset (25 mins)
Grit: the power of passion and perseverance Angela Lee Duckworth- author of'Grit' (6 mins)
Make challenge the new comfort zone Carol Dweck talks about the importance of taking students outside their comfort zone (1 min)
TMB Panyee FC short film A very inspiring story about a young soccer team and their challenge (5 mins)
The Power of Belief - Mindset and Success Based on social science research and real life examples, Eduardo Briceño articulates how mindset, or the understanding of intelligence and abilities, is key (11 mins)
Jungle Tiger Great video about learning outside your comfort zone (8 mins)
Learning – And How to Do it Better Train Ugly video on learning for secondary school students (11 mins)



Mindshift - How We Learn Wide range of videos, articles, teaching strategies, teachers’ stories on learning
Edutopia Articles and videos on the latest in education
Train Ugly Great for growth mindset in sport also for teenagers in general
Khan Academy Khan Academy offers practice exercises, instructional videos and a personalized learning dashboard that empower learners to study at their own pace in and outside of the classroom



Carol Dweck - The Motivated Mindset Great interview with Carol Dweck discussing motivation.


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